Hello everybody, welcome in this beautiful and crazy site; first of all, I’m sorry if my English is not perfect! I’m very pleased to write for all foreigners because our main ambition is to communicate with all world ; we want break all barriers, without limits; so, write us to our e-mail address , no fear! We answer with pleasure and fast.

Our search and our cultural background is very particular: we are lover of non-sense, inconsequence , quirks, arbitrary definitions; we give a fundamental value to all small insignificant things in all sectors ( literature, poetry, music, pictures, paint, art…). 

We are not idiot or daft (at least, not of all!!) but simply…a little mad, we smile to seriousness, to lieux communs, we exalt life, in the different elements that it has.

For example, Riccardo writes experimentalist poems, with a strange and non conventional use of words ( in Italian ); he also wrote , three year ago, a poem in English: I ask sorry for the publication in this site but I dislike censorship!

I’m curios to know our judge about my poem: you have to consider that 1) I’m Italian

2) I know very little of metrical poem in English; however, I’m interested in English Literature ( Geoffrey Chaucer is my favourite , but I think that J. Swift, D. Defoe are surely excellent storytellers ).

So, my poem :


I don’t know

what miss in my life.

I asked myself

and I don’t find any answer.

I’ve trust in myself

and I believe now again ,

‘cause I think I’m cool

and sometimes fool.

So , life is strange ,

you can win or lose ,

you must play a game ,

and the end is unknown.

There’s a thing

in every existence

that you can’t

never grasp.

It’s called turning point

but often it doesn’t arrives ;

there’s who paces slowly

and there’s who run furiously.

I want get out of the door ,

I want anything more ,

I want another chance ,

I despise badly advance.

To not choose means

to choose of not choose ,

and I suppose that

you are very confuse.

My advice is to listen the program “ Radio Senza Senso “ ( you can download it ): also if is clearly spoken in Italian, you can hear our voices speaking very happy; you can learn some expression in Italian!

We want to introduce a small part in the program in which we try to speak in English ( and also in French, more difficult for us Spanish and German, impossible in Chinese…)..assured laughter!

My international friends, can I speak a little in French?

Comme première chose je voulais dire que ce site est ouvert aussi a qui connais la merveilleuse langue du Roi : pas possible oublier Montesquieue, Voltaire, Rousseau… je veux savoir qu’ est ce que vous pensez de cette phrase: «  Fischer Fritz fische frische fisch  ».

Cette expression est utilisée par nous very often , une sort de passepartout ; aucun personne peux nous écrire.

Dans l’ Europe il y a différences, coutumes diverses, mais nous aimons les anglais et les français, Dutch people und Deutschland über alles, la Suisse, Espagne y Portugal, Liechtenstein ( with Malta, San Marino, Luxembourg) et les autres.

So, thanks to all that will write to us and also who will see this site, with a good smile I say everybody to all!

 Riccardo and the members of site